Wahre Größe erwächst aus der Präzision im Kleinen.

True greatness comes from the precision in the details.

Wahre Größe erwächst aus der Präzision im Kleinen.

True greatness comes from the precision in the details.


On the right, the current aerial images shows our new production hall with extra storage area.
Beside the hall we built a new employee parking lot.

In the spring of 2016, construction began for our latest production hall. This covers 1,800 sqm and is intended for a fully automated production of medical parts including packaging.
The completion of the construction project is scheduled for December 2016.

We moved into our extended building at the beginning of 2009. This was also linked to a major renovation of the existing premises. The future-orientated architecture, the restructured work operations and modern furnishings have created a superb atmosphere and the optimum conditions for our work. This selection of images is intended to give you some initial impressions and we would be happy to provide you with detailed information about our company, our way of thinking and working, and our range of services.